LinkedIn: The one social media platform everyone should be on

Career, Social Media

No matter where you are in your career LinkedIn is one social media platform that is always a great idea.  Whether you’re still in school, raising kids, a fresh graduate, changing careers, drumming up new business, or maintaining connections, LinkedIn becomes an invaluable resource.

Think of LinkedIn as your virtual Rolodex and handrail along the corporate ladder.

This social media platform gives you an opportunity to connect with people that you have met at any point in your life.  Be it classmates, colleagues, clients, or friends, LinkedIn gives you the ability to showcase your connections as well as build a resource list that you can refer to over your entire career.

LinkedIn May 2014 New Features

LinkedIn May 2014 New Features

*New* for May 2014 LinkedIn offers the “Where you met” feature where you can store notes about:

i) Why you are connecting with this person,
ii) Where you met them, and
iii) if someone introduced you.

These notes are kept private for you and no one else is able to see them.


Reminder Feature

Reminder Feature

Another *new* component is the “reminder to connect” feature where you can set reminders to follow up with each of your connections. This is a great tool to help you stay top of mind with your connections as well as track your touch points throughout the year.

Lastly the new abilities to write notes and create contact tags (a great way to organize your contacts).  All of these new features are extremely useful, helpful, and most of all strategic.

10 thoughts on “LinkedIn: The one social media platform everyone should be on

  1. Have to agree with Annabelle, had no idea about these new features. I like how we can monitor, update and maintain our connections all under one site. Very useful. Thanks for the post!

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